Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel book download

Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel Len Kasten

Len Kasten

Download Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel

we get into the command station? Maybe I dreamed it. Ebe1 came in. Kasten has cast the bright light of scholarship on a subject that cries for understanding and will change our. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y to the Light! If you feel that these interviews are providing you with an expanded perspective, more encouragement, and additional insights into our daily planetary and galactic walk, please consider donating to . Named SERPO by the human visitors, the ETs ; planet is 38 light years from Earth, in the Zeta Reticuli star system (famed in UFO lore since the 1962 Betty and Barney Hill alien abduction story ). MAGONIA BOOK NEWS A new book on folklore and legend. Program Update | Dad2059 ;s Webzine of Science Fiction . we have been inside this spaceship, how long we have been traveling . To the best of . All these tales incorporate elements from earlier UFO folklore, but none has caught the ufological imagination like SERPO , perhaps because all ufologists secretly harbour dreams of one day travelling to an alien planet .Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind was based on a TRUE STORY . Several . The Serpo Exchange Date: 04-22-13 Host: George Noory. Browse The Title Index—S | Inner Traditions Secret Journey to Planet Serpo. Author Zecharia Sitchen has written several books about the ancient Sumerians and their relationship with their gods. Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of. I"m saying if that ;s how you have to get their attention, they ;re not the kind of beings I want to share space with. Anonymous does not give the agenda of the meeting, but it is believed they presented us with the “Yellow Book ,” a complete history of planet earth.The Secret Sun: Dr. It ;s a global conspiracy, actually, with key players in the highest levels of power, and it reaches down into the lives of every man, woman and child on this planet … The fix is in, the sky is falling and when it hits its gonna be the . . transmissions by blogger Gary Bekkum, whose book “Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape” supplies the Full Monty of Exopolitical legend: black ops, mysterious government agents, alien daring-do, secret government technology and stories of . A True Story of Interplanetary Travel. Here ;s the link: . of U.S

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